Lancelot: The BeamAnt |
This is my first BeamAnt. I made it using two 1F 2.5V Panasonic AL Gold caps in series, two walkman CD player motors, and a 3733 Sunceram solarcell. The circuit is the regular BeamAnt, and a miller solarengine. I had to stack 2 74HCT240's together so they could drive the motors. |
Here you can see the main circuit, including all of the bicores' capacitors and resistors. The two small radial caps in the back are for the tactile sensors. |
Not much to see here, except for his butt. | |
The front. You can see the two photodiodes right under the solarcell. The MSE is between the photodiodes and the tactile sensors. The tactile sensors are made of springs that I got from floppy drives, and little pins with heat shrink over them. | |
I am pretty happy with the way he turned out. I am planning to upgrade the solarcell to a 3766, or maybe even two of them in parallel to make 5.5V at 60mA. That might just make him go continuously in direct sunlight! On the next one, I hope to get some more efficient motors... | |
Here is the schematic, by Ian Bernstien |