Lancelot: The BeamAnt 

ant7.bmp (921654 bytes)

  This is my first BeamAnt. I made it using two 1F 2.5V Panasonic AL Gold caps in series, two walkman CD player motors, and a 3733 Sunceram solarcell. The circuit is the regular BeamAnt, and a miller solarengine. I had to stack 2 74HCT240's together so they could drive the motors.

ant2.bmp (921654 bytes)

  Here you can see the main circuit, including all of the bicores' capacitors and resistors. The two small radial caps in the back are for the tactile sensors.

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   Not much to see here, except for his butt. ant4.bmp (921654 bytes)
  The front. You can see the two photodiodes right under the solarcell. The MSE is between the photodiodes and the tactile sensors. The tactile sensors are made of springs that I got from floppy drives, and little pins with heat shrink over them. ant6.bmp (921654 bytes)
   I am pretty happy with the way he turned out. I am planning to upgrade the solarcell to a 3766, or maybe even two of them in parallel to make 5.5V at 60mA. That might just make him go continuously in direct sunlight! On the next one, I hope to get some more efficient motors... ant1.bmp (921654 bytes)

Here is the schematic, by Ian Bernstien

BeamAnt.gif (5791 bytes)